Residential Service
Individuals seeking to establish new service may do so at our office located at 312 N Division Street in Union City. The applicant will need to provide a copy of the lease agreement or rent receipt if renting the location. Additionally, two forms of identification will also be required. There is a $15.00 connection fee for all new connections of service. UCEA may also require a security deposit – see the UCEA Deposit Policy below. For existing service locations, we can typically start your service the same day that you apply.
Customers who desire to transfer their service from one location to another within the UCEA service territory, may do so either by phone (731-885-9212) or in person at the UCEA office.
If you are building a new home or commercial building, please call us at 731-885-9212 and speak with our Engineering Department prior to construction to discuss the location of your electric service and to establish temporary service during construction.

Deposit Policy For Residential Customers
The basic residential deposit policy for new customers requires a deposit equal to 2 times the highest monthly billing in the previous 36 months at that location. For new customers, the deposit may be waived if the customer has a “Green Light” credit status from Online Utility Exchange. Existing customers moving to a new location will have their new deposit calculated as above based on the new location’s billing history.
For residential locations with insufficient billing history, UCEA reserves the right to estimate consumption in order to determine the appropriate deposit. Residential customers will earn interest at the UCEA stated rate, and the interest earned will be rolled into the customer’s deposit each January.
Alternatively, residential customers may elect to avoid the deposit requirement by participating in UCEA’s Prepay Program.